Thursday, February 24, 2011

5 months

Hi All-

Sorry, we are running a little behind in our posts. It's amazing how fast time goes by with a baby in the house. Right now he's down for his morning nap - - so, hopefully I'll be able to post before he wakes up.

So, Brady is still doing great. He weighed in at 19 lbs 4 oz at his 5 mos check up, and was 27.5 inches long - - needless to say, he's a big boy. He still is loving daycare - - still smiling when I drop him off, and still smiling when I pick him up.

This month Kate went away for a weekend to Denver, and left Brady and Brian to fend for themselves. Of course, it was the first time Brady had a head Brian definitely had his hands full. But, he did great - Brady was so well taken care of with Mommy gone.

Here are some pictures from this past month - -

Manly pose - showing off the goods:

No More Pictures, please:


Thursday, January 27, 2011

4 Months

Well, it's been four months since Brady was born - - time sure travels fast.

He's doing fantastic. He started daycare three days a week for full days, and he loves it. He smiles as soon as we walk in...and he's still smiling when he's picked up. All the teachers keep telling me how lucky we are to have such a happy baby - - he smiles and laughs all the time. He's such a bundle of joy. Beverly, the woman at the front desk of the daycare, told me the other day when I dropped him off, that whenever she's having a rough day, she goes in to see Brady - - his smile always brightens her right up. Granted, there are a bunch of cute kids's pretty hard not to leave there smiling.

Brady weighed in at 18lb 2.5ozs and 27 inches long at his 4 month check up. Needless to say, he's a growing boy.

We started him on some solids this month..and we are having such fun introducing him to foods. So far, he has liked everything - - which includes, pears, sweet potatoes, carrots, and rice. And, he likes to eat just as much as Mom and Dad, whenever he finishes he looks at me like "Where's the rest, Mom?"

Our first taste of rice....

Not sure if I like it.....
Love my sweet potatoes - -
All done.....full belly!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Today was Brady's first experience in the snow. We think Mom and Dad were more excited than he was, he was just taking it all in....looking around (well, trying to...he was so bundled up). Here are some pics of the experience:

All Bundled up - heading out!

A Video of Brady's first sledding experience - turn the volume down.....Mom is loud:

Here's a video of Brady turning over - - as soon as he goes on his tummy, he flips over - - I literally put him on his tummy, turned the camera on, and.....over he goes!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

3.5 months old!

Happy New Year to all - - we are super excited for this upcoming year with Brady.

Sorry that it has been so long since the last post, the holidays were super busy around I'm sure they are for everyone.

Brady is doing great - - at his 3 month check up he was 25.5 in. long, and 15 lbs 13 oz. He's growing like a weed...

He also has decided that he likes his tummy time, and has even flipped over from his tummy to his back a couple times. He loves sitting in his Bumbo chair, which lets him sit upright - he loves sitting in front of the tv, eating his hands. Apparently, his hands are quite delicious.

He starts daycare tomorrow morning...Mom goes back to work. We are sure that he will love it - - we anticipate he will have a girlfriend by the end of the week, he's such a stud muffin!

Here are some pics of the last month...I have to apologize, we are not as diligent at taking photos as we should be....Next post there will be a video, promise!

In his Bumbo....clearly, the TV is more interesting than the toys....
In his exersaucer....he just starting using it, and he seems to like it, although..he hasn't figured out the toys on it yet...

This month we welcomed a new member to the Turza family, meet Baby Michael!! Brady and lil' Mikey are sure to cause some ruckus as they get older. Now, we just have to wait for Miss Ellie Rose (Brian's sister's soon-to-be bundle of joy) to come out and play (February 28th can't come soon enough!)

Playing on the floor on Christmas Day:

Opening presents on Christmas, he was more into the wrapping paper than any toy he opened! post will have videos of his new found squeals/laughs.....and more Brady smiles!

Happy 2011!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

2.5 months old

Well, it is officially the holiday season - it's amazing how time flies!

Brady helped us celebrate our first Thanksgiving as a family of three. He sat in his swing during dinner, contently watching us consume gross amounts of calories. Poor thing was probably jealous of the great food we were eating...all he got was some milk, again.....

What the heck?

Sleeping with the Papa:

Talking with Murphy:

Passed out - - I tried to wake him up, but he wouldn't get up.....

Happy Baby!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2 months

Brady's two-month birthday crept up on us awful fast. We can't believe it's been two months already. We went for his two month check up today, and our little boy is doing fantastically. His weighing in at 13.5 lbs (yikes!) and is over 2 feet long (double yikes). He's currently growing out of most 3-6 month clothes....ahhH!!! We think he might have gotten the DeLalio/Wyckoff giant genes....sorry Turzas.

Brady has discovered his hands this week. Apparently, they are quite delicious and interesting...he spends quite a bit of his awake time studying and eating them. It's quite cute, not gonna lie.

He also has been sleeping better at night, which Mommy and Daddy greatly appreciate. All in all, he's the perfect little baby (of course).

We also finally stopped giving Brady sponge baths on the kitchen counter and started him in his "big boy tub"....he doesn't cry, we think he still hasn't figured it out yet. Judge for yourself:

He also has taken to playing in his jungle playmat, he loves the lights and sounds it makes. Obviously, he is very intent on studying it:

And, here's a picture of Brady doing one of his favorite things.....He was awake, content in his chair, and when I turned around to see why he was so quiet....I found this:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Brady's 7 Weeks old!

Brian and I are now expert parents....we've successfully made it through 7 weeks, and Brady is still doing great! We are enjoying every second (well, maybe except those extremely poopy diapers......) of parenthood.

In Brady news:

Two weeks ago we figured out that our little man doesn't love dairy as much as his Mama. His little tummy wasn't taking to it too well....and since Mama eats dairy at every can imagine how upset it was making him. So, after talking to the dr., Mom changed her diet, no dairy (it's harder than you think) and we changed formula from a milk-based one to non-milk based. And, let me tell you, Brady is such a happy boy now!! He happily plays on the floor for hours each day - he's kicking, moving his little arms, and chatting up a storm. He has lots of stories to tell. He's also smiling ALL the time, it's the cutest smile I've ever seen!

When we went to the dr. two weeks ago he was already 11 + lbs....we go for our 2 month check up next week, I'm sure he's still "thriving" (as the dr. says).

He has also been Mom's motivator for getting out the door to "run", and by "run" we mean light's been a few months. So, he sits in his stroller, smiling away as Mom huffs and puffs behind him, trying to get those extra inches and pounds off. It's a long road to half-marathons....but, we are out there moving almost everyday.

So...onto the more important things - Pictures!

Smiling Away:

Supporting Dad's Mets:

Getting burped by Dad, look at those kissable, pinchable cheeks!

His First Halloween (these pictures were taken late in the afternoon....Brady was VERY tired...hence, the pacifier)

A well fed Brady is a happy Brady:

Friday, October 15, 2010

One Month Old!!

Brady is now 1 month old!!

He is doing fantastically - we went to the doctor yesterday for the one month checkup and he weighs 10 lbs 5 oz now! Obviously, that little lack of weight gain problem in his first two weeks is no longer an issue. He's an eating machine (and therefore, pooping)

He's starting to smile's the cutest thing ever! His whole face lights up - and those cute as can be dimples come out! I've been trying to capture it on camera to show you, but it's a very difficult task. In the video, you can see the beginnings of his smile......I'll work on getting pictures of this little munchkin with his big ol' toothless grin.

We started "tummy time" this week. He loves spending time on his tummy (as long as he can still see/hear Mom and Dad). His works his little butt up into the air - it makes us laugh every time. He is working hard on his muscles to help support that big head of his...before we know it he will be sitting up - it amazes us how quickly the learning curve is. In the first month of his life he: 1. puts his cute little butt in the air; 2. smiles; 3. responds to loud sounds (like Murphy barking); 4. responds to our voices; 5. gives Mom and Dad cuddles like you wouldn't believe!; 6. makes our lives so much richer and happier!!

Murphy checking out the little dude:

His Puma's from Uncle Stevie - he wore them when we went to the day care center he will be attending in January to check it out....Brady needed to make a good impression on the ladies!

Tummy Time!! Working his little butt into the air:

The cutie pie!

Here's a video of his morning smiling/cooing/checking out the lights - -which he delights Mom with every morning as she drinks her (decaf) coffee:

Monday, October 4, 2010

3 Weeks - Time is flying by!

Well, Mr. Brady is 3 weeks old tomorrow....and three weeks is such a short time, but we couldn't imagine life without him now. Ok, so maybe we can imagine those nights with 8 hours of consecutive hours of sleep...but he's worth all the sleep deprived nights.

We are all doing quite well. Brady is getting bigger by the day - last week at the doctors office he was his birth weight again (8 lbs 14 oz) and was a whopping 21.5 inches. We go back next week for his 1 month check up.

Oh, and he FINALLY lost his umbilical cord - - we have an innie!!!

Here are some of the latest pictures:

At Gt Power (taking over for Gramps):

After his bath (gotta get those "poochies" off):

Out for a stroll:

The awesome post-bath hairdo:

Friday, September 24, 2010

10 Days Old

Brady is now 10 days old!

We are having such fun with him. Granted, the lack of sleep isn't ideal, but it's all worth it when he cuddles up to you. He loves his cuddles!

He had his first pediatrician appointment this week. He is doing just fantastically, he was 8 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches long. The pediatrician was concerned with his lack of serious weight gain, so she has him eating on a rigid 2 hour schedule to plump him up. This week has been Project: Plump Brady Up. I find it hilarious that he needs to be forced to eat, what with parents like us who eat whenever and pretty much whatever!!

In addition to eating tons, Brady enjoys going for strolls around our neighborhood. Mom LOVES her stroller, and Brady seems to enjoy scoping out the chicas in the 'hood. He is quite stylin' in his orange stroller - all the other babies are jealous!

He seems to be an extremely content baby these days, he giggles, gurgles and makes all sorts of fun noises and faces. Here's a short video of those very faces - admit it, you are laughing....

Here are some pictures of this past week: